Sikkerhet og Cookies

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Hvert år gjør et uavhengig firma en IT-sikkerhets-audit, som sikrer at vi lever opp til de strenge sikkerhetskrav. Dette er din sikkerhet for at vi alltid passer på dine data.
Les den siste rapporten her: ISAE 3000-Type II approved (DK)

Vi fører logg på alle aktiviteter - Hvem gjorde hva og når?Mulighet for anonymisering. Denne muligheten fjerner al personlig identifiserbar data, men beholder anonym data til bruk i statistikk, og eventuell betalingshistorikk.

Brukerdefinerte rettighetsgrupper. Vi tilbyr en fleksibel løsning hvor du selv kan definere rettighetsgrupper på din skole. Hvem skal kunne hva?

Navnebaserte brukerkonti og brukertypebaserte rettighetsgrupper. Disse kan konfigureres av lokale systemadministratorer for å kontrollere hvilke systemkomponenter som skal være tilgengelige.

Vi supporterer SAML 2.0 to-faktor godkjennelse.
All logg inn blir logget, også feil logg inn. Etter 8 logg inn forsøk, låses kontoen inntil en lokal superbruker låser kontoen opp igjen.

Web-applikasjonen vises via sikker HTTPS.
Data som overføres til systemet beskyttes via SHA-256 med RSA-kryptering. Det er ikke behov for noen spesiell nettleser.

Data lagres lokalt i Danmark hos Unit IT A/S (ISAE 3402 type II).
Database og applikasjon lagres i sikre datasentre med separate databaser for hver kunde.

Vi tar sikkerhetskopi hver time for de siste 24 timer.
Utover det tar vi daglig sikkerhetskopi for den siste måned.


Cookies are used on SpeedAdmin. Below you can read more about what types of cookies are used, why they are used and how they are selected from. This information is relevant and applies to both and

This website uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser so that it can recognize your computer on return visits. There is no personal information stored in our cookies and they may not contain viruses. Cookies are used to keep statistics on the number of users as well as information on product engagement and geography.

This website is provided by:
SpeedAdmin ApS
Under Broen 3
6400 Sønderborg

There are two different types of cookies on SpeedAdmin:
Session cookies
Set by the website and used to recognize you as you move around the page. Session cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser. Google analytics is used to collect traffic data on the site (not personal data).

Persistence cookies
Persistence cookies are used, among other things, to store which school you belong to, so the next time you visit the site, the school is automatically selected for you. It is also saved that you do not want to see the Cookie message again if you click OK. These expire on a given date.

Cookies delete themselves after a certain number of months (may vary), but they are renewed after each visit.

You can always reject cookies on your computer by changing the settings in your browser. Where you find the settings depends on which browser you are using. Please note that if you reject cookies, there are many features and services that you may not be able to use, as they require the website to remember which choices you have made. All browsers allow you to delete cookies, individually or all at once. You can follow the links below for instructions on how to do this in your browser. Remember that if you use several different browsers, you must delete cookies in all of them.

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